Concrete has played a major role in architecture for thousands of years. Some of the Roman concrete structures have lasted over 2,000 years, but they have survived the years with a little help from preservation techniques. There is one building that has lasted without any preservation. The Pantheon in the city of Rome has been standing for 1,900 years. Of course, this 1,900-year old concrete structure went through rebuilds due to fire destruction, but this is the last standing version of it.

Why is it a Mystery to Experts?
The Roman Pantheon is a dome-shaped concrete structure. The mystery of it all is that many are still wrestling with the construction of the building. How has it held up for all these years? How did the Romans reinforce the dome structure to withstand the years?
The Pantheon is still to this day the largest unsupported dome in the world. The dome measures 142-feet in diameter with an opening of 27-feet at the top. The question this day still consists of how long it may have taken to construct this beautiful structure.
Concrete Structures Today
Concrete is used in many ways today. From living spaces to concrete patios and driveways, concrete has been very important to the architectural industry. One company that has been working with concrete for years is Bergen Mobile Concrete. We understand the importance of a structure to last a long time.
With our mobile concrete delivery service, your next concrete project will run smoothly.
What we have to offer:
It’s stressful when you’re working on a project and you order the wrong amount of materials. This can happen often without knowing it. With us, you’ll be relieved to know that we use metered mixers that allow us to calculate the correct amount of concrete mix you’ll need for the sidewalk, patio, driveway, etc.
Bergen Mobile Concrete
If you’re looking for quick and accurate delivery of concrete for your next project, contact Bergen Mobile Concrete at 201-797-7550 today to learn more about how we can help!