Posts Categorized: Pouring Concrete

The Benefits of a Concrete Driveway

Many homeowners debate on what kind of driveway is best to have regarding the material you put down. Different types of driveways like concrete or asphalt have pros and cons, but we’re here to tell you the benefits of pouring a concrete driveway.  With a concrete driveway, you are able to increase the value of… Read more »

Some of the Coolest Concrete Structures in the World

Roman Colosseum concrete structure

Concrete has been used in architecture and buildings for centuries. Around the world, there are incredible structures that were made with concrete that are still standing to this day. The fact that these structures are standing tall after going through years of wear and tear is a testament to the concrete that they were made… Read more »

Things to Keep in Mind When Pouring Concrete in Extreme Heat

Although cold temperatures are typically a greater obstacle when working with concrete, hot summer days can present some unique challenges as well. To understand how extreme heat affects freshly-poured concrete, it’s important to first have a clear understanding of how the concrete-setting process works. Concrete sets via an exothermic reaction called hydration. When concrete hydrates,… Read more »

Researchers are 3D Printing a Reinforced Concrete Bridge

3D printers are useful for more than just making small plastic parts. Recently, a team of researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands began 3D printing reinforced concrete components for a cycling bridge in an effort to test out new applications for 3D printing technologies. In fact, this isn’t the first time… Read more »

Concrete: From Antiquity to Today

History of Concrete

Home and business owners rely on concrete for all different kinds of things these days. Whether they are building a patio in a backyard or laying the foundation for a large building, concrete is a cost-effective material that can stand the test of time and provide strength and stability for a number of structures. But… Read more »